Mass Cards
Mass Cards For Living
The holy family
madonna with child
Mass Cards For Deceased
The good shepherd
madonna with rosary
please email your request to
Mass Cards
The Eucharist, the “source and summit of the Christian life” (Lumen Gentium 11), is at the heart of our redemption in Jesus Christ.
In the early Church the faithful would bring gifts to the Sunday assembly, especially the bread and wine for the Eucharist. The excess gifts were given to the Church’s ministers and distributed to the poor. Eventually, through the centuries, gifts of money were frequently substituted, and the purpose became chiefly the support of the clergy. This led to the custom of the priests accepting a donation or “stipend” for each Mass and his remembering a special intention of the donor in the context of the Mass.
Nowadays a Mass offering is a way for donors to join themselves to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It unites the donor closely with the life and apostolic activity of the Church, the Body of Christ, as the offering becomes a form of material support for the Church’s ministers and pastoral life. And, having a Mass celebrated for the needs of a special person,
a special request, in thanksgiving or for the faithful departed allows the donor to spiritually, if not physically, to participate in the Mass and placing their petition(s) within the Holy Sacrifice.
Mass offerings are regulated by Canon Law and a priest who receives the offering has an obligation to apply the Mass for that specific intention of the person who has made the offering. And, the Mass is to be celebrated within a reasonable time.
The Mass is the most perfect prayer a Catholic can offer to God. That is why so many of us Knights and Dames want to continue the beautiful practice of “having a Mass said” for someone they love. We can do this by requesting a Mass through our Lieutenancy. We will be happy to supply a “Mass card” for either an intention of a living person or someone deceased. The intention and offering for the Mass will be sent to the Latin Patriarch for his distribution to the neediest priest or parish.
Reverend Monsignor George Dobes, KCHS
The recommended donation is $25.00 USD per Mass.
Please make your check payable to the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem or EOHSJ.
For more information or to order a Holy Land Mass Card, please send email to or mail your request to
Mass Cards
Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem
P.O. Box 29480
Washington, DC 20017