Mottos Of The Order
The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, with the approbation of the Church, has its own proper rites and ceremonies which express its distinctive characteristics and mission within the mystical Body of Christ, the Church. The Sepulchre of Christ is the great symbol of this special association of the Christian faithful dedicated to fulfilling the mission and purposes entrusted to them by the Church.

Deus Lo Vult – God Wills It
Today the motto signifies a commitment to a Christian way of life – very different from that of the medieval knights who took up the cross. Though of ancient origin, the motto is ever alive and vibrant, for it inspires the Knights and Dames of the Holy Sepulchre to crusade for equality, justice for all, and peace in the Holy Land so that Christian, Jew, and Muslim may live side by side in love of God and each other-”God wills it!”
Oportet Gloriari In Cruce Domini Nostri Jesu Christi!
It Behooves Us To Glory In The Cross Of Our Lord Jesus Christ!
Blessed Pope John Paul II directed members of the Order to always remember the “twin” motto of the Order. It should help us to look to the Wounds and the Holy Cross of Jesus as our inspiration and the source of our strength, courage and peace of mind to do the Will of God and to give of ourselves even as Jesus did—as a total gift of ourselves—a living sacrifice of praise to the Lord and for those we serve in His Name.